We’ll work out of three different books this term. Additionally, we’ll supplement these texts by sharing additional materials as we go along.

  • An Open Language, by Mike Rose (2006).  Mike Rose is a central figure in writing and in composition studies, has a fascinating personal literacy history, and really comes from a writing centers perspective in exploring the challenges students face in developing as writers. This book is a collection of many of his more popular and “important” articles.
  • The Elements of Teaching Writing, by Katherine Gottschalk and Keith Hjortshoj (2004). This is a very nice, little volume for faculty looking to effectively incorporate writing in their discipline-based courses.  It is, in effect, a publication that captures the faculty development program from Cornell University’s Writing in the Disciplines program.  It takes faculty seriously, and is a no-nonsense primer.
  • Engaging Ideas, by John Bean (2001).  Some folks think of this very large (yet completely practical and accessible) book to be something of a WAC faculty development bible.  It is chock full of activities and ideas you can put right to use in your classes.

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